In Pope Francis’ homily for Palm Sunday he asks us “Who are we before the Lord?”
As Jesus enters into the celebration in Jerusalem are we able to express our joy or do we keep our distance?
Who am I before Jesus who suffers?
The priest and the Pharisees waiting for the opportunity to take Jesus down? The disciples, who didn’t understand anything because they were asleep? Is my life like one asleep? Am I like Judas who gives a sign of love and kisses Him? Am I a traitor?
Am I like those who judged Him? Who made witness against Him? Am I like Pilate who washed his hands of the situation so as not to assume responsibility? Am I like the crowds? Taking part in the humiliation of Jesus?
Am I like one of those in front of the Cross? Am I like one of the women? Like the Mother of Jesus suffering in silence? Like Joseph who carries the body of Jesus with love? Am I like one the two Mary’s – the women who go with Jesus as He is buried in the tomb?
Where is my heart? Which of these people am I like?