Holy Cross Retreat Center
Las Cruces, NM
Holy Cross Retreat Center is an oasis of prayer, study, and reflection located near Las Cruces in southern New Mexico. The Center is committed to fostering an atmosphere in the Franciscan tradition where all those who seek spiritual and personal growth will find a welcome.
While focusing on Catholic spirituality, Holy Cross respects people of all faiths and hosts various retreats, conferences, as well as private retreatants. The friars lead programs for English and Spanish speaking groups and provide hospitality to cancer patients and others in need.

Mount Saint Francis – Center for Spirituality
Mount St. Francis, IN
Mount Saint Francis is a multi-purpose campus and home of the Conventual Franciscan Friars of the Province of Our Lady of Consolation. Following in the tradition of their founder, St. Francis of Assisi, the friars maintain the Mount as a residence and a sacred space of welcome. A primary focus is the life of the friars. A primary ministry is the Center for Spirituality, which provides opportunities for spiritual renewal to all people. The friars also make the Mount available to other organizations whose purpose is to encourage religious and human enrichment, all being done in a context of respect for creation and the sanctity of life in all its forms.

Franciscan Retreats & Spirituality Center
Prior Lake, MN
Step aside from the challenges and uncertainties of this time for a weekend of spiritual connection and renewal with one of our Catholic Retreats at Franciscan Retreats and Spirituality Center in Prior Lake.
Find a prepared retreat or bring your group. Our facilities accommodate