The Friars of the Custody of Mary, Mother of the Poor (MMP), in Central America, celebrated an Ordinary Custodial Chapter from February 6-9, 2012. Our Lady of Consolation Province (OLC) works with the Honduran Custody, providing advice and assistance as it continues to grow in numbers of Friars and in ministry. Members of OLC Province have served in Central America as missionaries and teachers, as well as assisting with the formation of new Friars.
The Minister General, Friar Marco Tasca, was present, along with the Provincial of OLC Province, Friar Jim Kent, and Friar Jorge Fernández, Assistant General for FALC.
Other Friars invited to the Chapter were Friar Marucio Bridgio, the Delegate of Chile, and Friar Jorge Dobles from the Delegation of Our Lady of the Angels in Costa Rica.
Friar Edgar Ramírez Arias was elected Custos for a second term. The Custodial Definitory was formed as follows: Friar Grevin Oliver Sierra Rivera (40) as Custodial Vicar; Friar Johnatan Vargas Ramírez (32) as Secretary of the Custody; Arturo Vallejo Escoto as treasurer; and Friar Marcio Matute Berde (48) as a Definitor. A Definitory is the elected team of leaders for larger communities of Friars such as a Province.
All of the friars of MMP Custody voted in favor of beginning a process for MMP and the Delegation in Costa Rica (currently partnered with Immaculate Conception Province) to become one jurisdiction by 2017.
“It was a Chapter of great hope as all the friars in Central America look forward to the possibility unification can mean in the common life and ministries,” said Fr. Jim Kent.
The second phase of Chapter will be in March. John Stowe (Vicar Provincial of OLC Province) will attend as the official delegate of the Province.