Trusting the Voice of God
By Friar Mario Serrano OFM Conv.
When and where do we learn to trust?
Mary, in her young age, profoundly trusted in the message of the Archangel Gabriel and allowed the Word of God to enter her womb. That moment radically changed her life and her future. She allowed Mystery to guide her into her future. She took decisive action beyond her fears. She, in many ways, models what we can do when we find ourselves encountering Divine Love.
On July 30, 2021, three friars: friar Alberto Bravo, OFM Conv., friar Pedro Lopez, OFM Conv., and friar Jaime Zaragoza, OFM Conv. said yes. Like Mary, they trusted in the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Like Mary, we pray that our newly solemnly professed friars may allow Mystery to guide them.
I pray that you too can trust and listen to the Humble One rather than consume spiritual gifts for your own self. May we be able to receive the Word of God so that we can then speak to God’s people with tenderness. If I am honest, I often struggle with trusting and often do not allow the Voice of God to speak within me or through me.
Brené Brown, author of Daring Greatly, reminds us that it takes courage and humility to trust. We often are ready to be armored rather than daring. Mary was daring in her simple courageous trusting response of “Let it be” (Luke 1:38).
God found favor in Mary. God also found favor in my brothers Alberto, Pedro, and Jaime. God also finds favor in you and me. Let us rejoice with the gift of life, offer God a song of praise. Just like Francis and Clare of Assisi, and Mary, pray that we be daring and trusting, as we seek to observe the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and to follow in His footsteps.