Holy Cross Retreat Center in conjunction with CAFé (Comunidades de Acción y Fe) hosted a prayer service to celebrate the canonization of Archbishop Oscar Romero. On Sunday evening, October 14th, 30 people gathered in the Chapel for a bilingual celebration of his commitment to the poor and victims of injustice.
SER IGLESIA: alzar la voz con los pobres
“Una Iglesia que no se une a los pobres, a fin de hablar desde el lado de los pobres, en contra de las injusticias que se cometen con ellos, no es la verdadera Iglesia de Jesucristo.” —Santo Oscar Romero
Being Church: Speaking Out With the Poor
“A Church that does not join the poor in order to speak out from the side of the poor against the injustices committed against them is not the true Church of Jesus Christ.” —Saint Oscar Romero