L to R: Friars Gary (St. Joseph of Cupertino Province), Justin (Immaculate Conception Province), Mark (OLC), and Jim (OLC)
The General Chapter of Conventual Franciscan Friars opened in Assisi, the town of St. Francis and St. Clare, on Saturday, January 19. There are 99 delegates from all over the world. Friar Jim Kent (Minister Provincial) is representing the Province of Our Lady of Consolation (OLC). Friar Mark Weaver is there to help with translation. The Chapter began with Solemn Vespers, followed by a ceremony where photos of the friars and publications representing the history of Provinces and Custodies around the world were placed under Francis’ tomb.
Monday, January 22, the Minister General, Fr. Marco Tasca, OFM Conv., reported on the state of the order – whose fraternity is spread throughout 65 countries. An intense day of work concluded with Vespers – in Spanish, English, Polish, and Italian.

Members of the Conventual Franciscan Conference (US, Canada, UK/Ireland, and Australia) celebrating the election of the Minister General. (Fr. Jim Kent is second on the right)
Fr. Jim sent us two more photos today (1/31).
Fr. Jim sent us these photos of the Papal Audience, February 6 (a week before the Pope announced his retirement). All the General Chapter participants attended along with a number of Conventual Franciscans who are Bishops throughout the world.