At Franciscan Retreats and Spirituality Center in Prior Lake, MN, the Sacrament of the Sick is usually celebrated in the context of one of the Eucharistic Liturgies, and most of our retreatants take advantage of this opportunity.
After a Men’s Retreat, one of the men wrote Br. Bob, the Retreat Director at that time, to say that he had arrived at the retreat with considerable back pain; the pain was so bad that he momentarily considered not coming on retreat. It happened that retired Archbishop Harry Flynn was giving the retreat and he was helping minister the sacrament. As Archbishop Flynn imposed hands on him, Jon said that he felt a warmth overwhelm his body and he was filled with a deep sense of peace and communion with our Lord. It was only as he was riding home with some of the other men that he realized that his back was not bothering him. “My back hasn’t bothered me since then, and I can walk with greater ease, Brother.” Another example of the power of prayer.