Dear Friends,
Greetings in the name of our Good Lord!
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord…” (Luke 1:46) is the first line of the Canticle of Mary, the Magnificat. This proclamation of Mary is prayed and proclaimed every evening throughout the world by the People of God praying the Evening Prayer of the Church (Vespers). I invite you to read and ponder the reflection on the Magnificat as Mary’s prayer of action.
The call of God to Mary to bear and give birth to the Word of God in the flesh, Jesus, the Christ, is profound. When God calls, it sends us into action, proclaiming God’s love, mercy, and goodness to all of humanity. Mary’s prayer of action echoes in this newsletter in the lives of the saints and the Franciscan Friars honored for living the Gospel Life.
St. Francis and St. Anthony exemplify for us that our fraternity of brothers accepts the challenge of proclaiming the greatness of the Lord in mission and ministry. We invite you to join us in doing the same.
May the Lord bless you and keep you; May He show His face to you and be merciful to you. May He turn His countenance to you and give you peace. May the Lord bless you. (Blessing of St. Francis)
Fr. John Elmer OFM Conv.
Spiritual Director